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GEO Eyes Cream Lens: Ray Ray Gray vs Vanilla Brown

    For all your Circle Lens fanatic out there, in case you didn’t know already, GEO just launched their NEW lens series named.. wait for it… EYES CREAM. 
    If you’re a huge pun sucker like me, the title alone will definitely draw you in!
    MapleLens gifted me two pairs of lenses from the Eyes Cream series – Vanilla Brown and Ray Ray Gray. Since I’m mostly accustomed to darker lenses, I was excited to test these two out which has lighter coloring than I’m used to. 
    So the order was shipped out Dec 29, 2013 and arrived Dec 31, 2013. Yup – SHIPPING TOOK 2 DAYS. FROM MALAYSIA TO TORONTO. *Mind Blown* Here’s what I got: 
    The order came with two cute gift boxes (that can totally be used to store your jewelry) and two lens cases. In case you’re wondering yes those larger-than-life diamonds are totally mine. DIAMONDS!

    Ray Ray Gray vs Vanilla Brown – Effects on dark brown eyes
    Brand: GEO 
    Origin: South Korea 
    Water content: 38% – 42% 
    Diameter: 14.5 mm 
    Base Curve: 8.7 
    Duration: 6 months (half year) disposable
    GEO Eyes Cream Lens Series in Ray Ray Gray
    My best doe-eye look. Which I think looks a bit cross-eyed. I tried!
    Close up in natural lighting, indoors

    I would use any excuse to take selfies. Plus my makeup took a while so MUST MAKE USE!

     GEO Eyes Cream Lens Series in Vanilla Brown

    Again. cross-eyed. Sigh I REALLY tried. 

    I super DUPER love this shot of me! *don’t-care-if-overexposed*
    Final Pic Spam! If you’re interested in my eye makeup, I made a tutorial here!

    I won’t go into details the comfort and design of these lenses – I honestly believe that most 6-months circle lenses will feel similar on your eyeball, plus or minus an hour or two of wear behind your eyes go red. AND pictures are like 1000 words, so there’s the equivalent of 8000 words in picture format.

    If you like these lenses, you can get yours HERE. I wish MapleLens would include a business card or a receipt of some sort in the packages, since there are no indication of where the package is from..! So if you’re ordering from more than one online retailer, you might forget where you bought those… BUT with the super fast 2-day shipping I doubt you’d forget. Or I sincerely hope you won’t.

    I’m not usually a fan of grey lenses since I think they make you look like you have cataracts. OR going to. But I think both lenses are very subtle and not very cataract-y.

    Please let me know if you want me to review a specific pair of lenses! 
    Kerina Wang

    51 thoughts on “GEO Eyes Cream Lens: Ray Ray Gray vs Vanilla Brown”

    1. BUNNIE YOU LOOK GOOOOOORGEOUS!!~ I love both colors so much!! I can’t choose!! Especially since you’re the gorgeous model =^ ^= I am definitely going to check them out! 2 day shipping from across the globe!! Amazing hehe. Love youuuuu muah!!! xoxoxo <3

    2. Those lenses look gorgeous on you, hun. I still got a pair of purple GEO and I didn’t dared to wear it after my first and last cornea infection was when I wore GEO lens. It was a combination of many factors too and not just the lens per se but I’m still holding back. You know, sometimes looking crossed eyes is kinda cute too!

      I hope the first week of 2014 has been treating you well!

      1. Oh no!!!! I’m sorry hun you had a terrible experience with contacts…hope your eyes are better now, and that you can still wear lenses! and omg thanks babe I think you’re the only one who would say that being crossed eyes is cute! :)

    3. These kind of freak me out a bit but i actually think it’s so cool that they make things that will change your eye colour! I think they grey one looks really pretty on you! great post

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