Walalalala snow fairies!!!
I just saw Frozen so all my lexicon is snow-related. Hahahaha! I am so excited to show you another lens review! I think I am sooo magically blessed to have all of my readers, you guys, who support me in my blogging adventure and that’s my motivation to cram post after post for you!
Ok on to the review – these lenses are from LENSCIRCLE, and Amy has INCREDIBLE customer service. If you like my GEO Eyes Cream review (see here), you would love these lenses.
LENSCIRCLE sent me three pairs of lenses, along with a vintage cute contacts lens mirror case and three furry pouches! *Freebie galore* <3
The GEO Magic Ultra Black (XCK 105) vs GEO Big Grang Grang Choco (WHC-246)
♦ Diameter : 15.0mm ♦ Water Content : 38% ♦ Base Curve : 8.7mm ♦ Life Span : 1 year disposal
Here I’m wearing one lens in each eye in natural lighting – I look kinda crazy!
OR exotic. OR sexy. Whichever Lens you see it with. HAHAHAHAHA do you get it??? <3

The GEO Big Grang Grang is my favourite so far of ALL my lens collection! I love love love love the subtlety of the deep brown, it matches almost perfectly with my natural dark brown eyes!
The Magic Ultra Black is a MUST in your lens collection if you’re going for the ULZZANG look! It definitely is a true black, and it gives such a huge huge magnifying effect!!
Comfort wise, I think they are both comparable – I wore them ALL day (even play volleyball in them) and they were great! A little bit more drying than my usual lens but that’s expected of these yearly disposable lenses.
Do you want a pair?
Get them from LENSCIRCLE (15% Off)
with this COUPON CODE:
Which one is your favorite?????
OMG I love them both so much I can’t choose!
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ohh! i love the choco brown! usually circle lenses take out the lively shine from out of your eyes but those look super nice!! not dead-ish at all,haha (=
Hahaha! Yeah! I totally agree with you! THanks for stopping by hunny! <3
The choco brown looks really nice!! I think these lens look very natural. :)
Thanks Wendy as always for the suupport!!!!
Very cool lens. I actually like the magic ultra black more though. Nice.
Looks so cool and pretty.
Love it!
Glitter And Blush
The choco ones are so cute <3
Thanksss!!! your name is too cute!! <3
These lenses look so lovely on you!
Hi, new follower #316. ^^ Yes, the ultra black one is a must have for Ulzzangs but I also like the choco one too! :) Thanks for the review! <3
<3 from Chuonie
AWwww THanks so much Chuonie! I love your name!!! I’m just hopping over to your blog to shower you with my love and follow you hun! <3
They are both really pretty but the effect is quite different in the end, so it is a bit difficult to choose. But, I think I like the GEO Big Grang Grang Choco better for some reason. I can’t explain, but they look more natural, maybe. You look good with both!
I also wash my hands a lot during the day and it hurts so much… Hand cream is essential!
Thannk you for following me and commenting. I’ve also added you on GFC.
Thanks Alex! Hmmm I don’t know, am I the only weird one who prefers the black ones? HAHAHA *totally off the pop concensus* but I do agree with you the Choco one is more natural for sure!!!! <3
So lovely color! x3
You look pretty dear!
✿ Rinako ✿
They both look wonderful but I definitely prefer Grang Grang choco as they look much more natural ^^
Thanks Mary!!! Hahahahah it seems like most people prefers the Choco one too!! Hehehehe you should get a pair!!!
I love the grang-grang and geo magic black. It looks so cute.
Join my giveaway here: Blossoming Wallflower
HEhe thanks SArah!!!
These look great on you :)
You, my friend, have such beautiful eyes. :) Not only in the dark chocolate color – but in the lovely shape they are.
Tane ♥